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Tests de qualité de l'air au Québec : L'expertise inestimable d'HMT Environnement
Caractérisation des émissions atmosphériques

Air quality tests in Quebec: The invaluable expertise of HMT Environnement

Air quality is a major concern in Quebec, particularly in the industrial context. Air emissions from industrial facilities can have a significant impact on the environment and public health. This ...

Assurance qualitéL'assurance et le contrôle qualité dans le domaine de l'échantillonnage d'air

Quality assurance and control in air sampling

In this blog, we will explore the importance of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) at each stage of the air sampling process. A rigorous QA/QC program ensures data reliability, accurac...

Planification d'une Campagne d'Échantillonnage : Les Étapes Clés

Planning a Sampling Campaign: The Key Steps

Planning a sampling campaign is a crucial step to ensure the collection of accurate and meaningful environmental data. In Quebec, this planning is guided by “Note 4 – Sampling of atmospheric emissi...

L'Importance de la Caractérisation des Émissions Atmosphériques pour les Entreprises : Un Pas Vers la Conformité Environnementale

The Importance of Characterizing Atmospheric Emissions for Businesses: A Step Toward Environmental Compliance

In Quebec, a clean and healthy environment is a fundamental priority. This is reflected in government and business efforts to preserve air quality and reduce emissions of air pollutants. In this co...

Le Rôle de la Caractérisation des Émissions Atmosphériques dans l'Industrie du Bois : Un Souffle de Durabilité

The Role of Characterizing Atmospheric Emissions in the Wood Industry: A Breath of Sustainability

The timber industry plays a vital role in our lives, providing a multitude of products, from furniture to building materials to paper. However, this industry also has an impact on our environment,...

Air samplingL'importance de l'échantillonnage d'air dans les usines d'alimentation

The Importance of Air Sampling in Food Plants

The food industry is one of the pillars of our modern society, providing a variety of products essential to our daily diet. However, behind every food we eat, there is a complex manufacturing and p...